July 2012: RGS fieldtrip ‘Ruination and Reinvention’ 


On 2nd July 2012, The Invisible College connected with the annual conference of the Royal Geographical Society for an event called Ruination and Reinvention.

25 visitors, made up of academic geographers from across the UK joined by visitors from USA, France, Singapore and Australia, took up The Invisible College’s invitation to spend a field day at Kilmahew/St. Peter’s. Following an introduction to our ongoing research activities, the group were given a guided walk around the site. A picnic lunch in the Walled Garden enable everyone to gather and discuss the site.

Then followed by the day’s main attraction: a first-chance listen to Michael Gallagher’s audio work, a creative composition based on sound recordings derived from the landscape and its ecology, combined with oral recollections, reminiscences and stories of local history, ancient and modern.

Equipped with earphones and mp3 players, the geographers were encouraged to ‘drift’, following no prescribed route around Kilmahew Woodland, instead walking where their will took them.

The completed audio drift will be available at the start of the autumn, and will be hosted on this site.

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